

As an organisation we strongly believe every person deserves a second chance. Therefore, this programme focuses on advocating for people who live in the streets/people who inject drugs. We enroll them in our harm reduction programme and provide them with health services. We are advocating for their human rights, fair access to health care, shelter, daily meals, and all basic needs. The execution of this programme basically creates safe space for the groups which allows opening about their issues and requests. Moreover, we also provide psychological support.

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Pulvinar Quis Venenatis Sem Sit Rhoncus Nulla

Quis purus elementum quis quis penatibus ultrice dictumst nam ipsum tellero psisptop egestasii vel auctor fermentum donec acro.
Quis purus elementum quis quis penatibus ultrice dictumst nam telus intog eptum ouset Fermentum donec egestas vel auctor non. Pellentesque viverra antanio dign issim et sed orciopations maecenas Lorem ipsum dolor sit amettogethe consec tel aurlrem ipi adipiscing elit lorem ipsum.

Our Recent Donors

Quis purus elementum quis quis penatibus ultrice dictumst nam ipsum telleropsisp top egestasii vel auctor fermentum donec acro.

Sarah J. Gile


Cheryl Salazar


Gerald Hudson


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