

The organisation provides skills and strengthens resilience and competencies of boys. The intervention aims at creating a safe space where they can hear other share their stories and understand that they are not alone. This gives the participants ability to unpack what is going on in their lives. The purpose is to support personal and social development through providing information and education to enhance life skills. By doing so, it increases the options available to exercise more control over their own behaviors.

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Pulvinar Quis Venenatis Sem Sit Rhoncus Nulla

Quis purus elementum quis quis penatibus ultrice dictumst nam ipsum tellero psisptop egestasii vel auctor fermentum donec acro.
Quis purus elementum quis quis penatibus ultrice dictumst nam telus intog eptum ouset Fermentum donec egestas vel auctor non. Pellentesque viverra antanio dign issim et sed orciopations maecenas Lorem ipsum dolor sit amettogethe consec tel aurlrem ipi adipiscing elit lorem ipsum.

Our Recent Donors

Quis purus elementum quis quis penatibus ultrice dictumst nam ipsum telleropsisp top egestasii vel auctor fermentum donec acro.

Sarah J. Gile


Cheryl Salazar


Gerald Hudson


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