221 Pine Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201
- Call us: 033 205 0040
- Email us: info@isematholeni.co.za
Reaching Adoloscent Boys And Young Men through our targeted interventions. Our Recent Donors Quis purus elementum quis quis penatibus ultrice dictumst nam ipsum telleropsisp top egestasii vel auctor fermentum donec acro. Sarah J. Gile $62.00 Cheryl Salazar $85.00 Gerald Hudson $136.00
Inspiring Men to take a stand against GBV through sensitization trainings. Our Recent Donors Quis purus elementum quis quis penatibus ultrice dictumst nam ipsum telleropsisp top egestasii vel auctor fermentum donec acro. Sarah J. Gile $62.00 Cheryl Salazar $85.00 Gerald Hudson $136.00
This intervention focuses on creating an environment where men can voice out their issues. Issues they’ve dealt with in the early stages of their life. Providing a platform for them to open up about their emotions and their understanding on manhood and masculinity. This is achieved through our Men Support groups, GBV Sensitisations and Isibaya … Read more